Alliance Real Estate Academy School Policy
This Form contains important information about the procedures for completing your course(s). Please read this manual carefully, to avoid any delay in obtaining your credit for clock hours.
Alliance Real Estate Academy is approved by Real Estate Washington State Real Estate Department of Licensing for the purpose of offering Real Estate education courses developed by McEwen LLC and Rockwell Institute. Alliance Real Estate Academy is approved under RCW 18.85, and Chapter 308-124H WAC, effective November 30, 2017 and will expire on November 30, 2023.
School ID #: S1817
All questions pertaining to registration, refunds, school policy, course content, explanation of state licensing law, final exams (if applicable), and completion certificates should be addressed to Alliance Real Estate Academy.
All course lessons on the computer must be completed within 180 days from the date of enrollment (unless individual state law specifies otherwise). You have 90 days to access and review the course content after you have completed the last lesson in a course (regardless of when the course is completed within the 180 days from enrollment).
If you cannot complete your course within the 180 days, then you may purchase an extension (60 day extension for Prelicense, Post-license, and continuing education courses). The extension period begins from the date your course originally expires. It is your responsibility to contact the school administrator to find out about purchasing an extension. It is recommended that you purchase the extension just before the course expiration date in order to be able to have the total amount of time for the extension period.
Upon completion of a course and passing your School final exam, the School will convey the student record of completion online to the Washington Real Estate Department of Licensing no later than the day following the School examination. Students will be able to schedule a state examination within 48 hours after the online certification.
Alliance Real Estate Academy’s policy is that a student is entitled to a full tuition refund if ALL of the following conditions have been met:
- Within 14 days of the student’s registration date, a written notice is received requesting a refund; and
- The student has not attended any class time.
No refund request (partial or full) will be considered:
- After the student has started class, or
- Any later than 14 days after the student’s registration date.
To complete the course, you must successfully complete the following requirements:
- Total of 90 clock hours of class time is required (60 Fundamentals and 30 Practices).
- Classes are held Mondays and Thursdays. Each class is 5 clock hours from 4pm-9pm.
- All missed class time including absences and tardiness must be made up prior to receiving final certificate. Make up hours available upon student’s request. Depending on availability, student may need to make up time during the schools following session if there are more than 3 days of absence.
Alliance Real Estate Academy will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or familial status in the establishment of fees, entrance qualifications or standards for successful completion in any course.
No recruiting for employment opportunities for any real estate brokerage firm is allowed in class or on the school premises. Report promptly any effort to recruit by anyone to Alliance Real Estate Academy Director at 253-286-3456.
Thank you for choosing Alliance Real Estate Academy for your real estate training needs.